Centossoftware Development Workstation Iso Download

In “CD/DVD” Section, in Connection Panel choose “Use ISO image file” and select the downloaded ISO from the Step 2 Finally, Start the newly created VM and go through installation process Download mRemoteNG remote connection manager. This post is to share the information about how to manually download VMware tools ISO image for various Operating systems based on VMware vSphere versions including the latest version of vSphere such as vSphere 6.5.VMware tools varies for each and every operating system. Any link to download Redhat linux iso image. I need to install it in the VM workstation, so I do not need to burn it to a CD or DVD. It would be nice if the image comes with full packages, Thank you. Download Redhat iso image. Any link to download Redhat linux iso image. I need to install it in the VM workstation, so I do not need to burn it. Download CentOS. As you download and use CentOS Linux. By downloading CentOS software, you acknowledge that you understand all of the following: CentOS software and technical information may be subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (the “EAR”) and other U.S. And foreign laws and may not be exported, re-exported. Fedora 21 Workstation Installation Guide with Screenshots. You can download Fedora 21 workstation from. After you download the ISO.

From CentOS Project:
CentOS developers use Red Hat's source code to create a final product very similar to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Red Hat's branding and logos are changed because Red Hat does not allow them to be redistributed. CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor. CentOS conforms fully to the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible. CentOS is developed by a small but growing team of core developers. In turn the core developers are supported by an active user community including system administrators, network administrators, enterprise users, managers, core Linux contributors, and Linux enthusiasts from around the world.
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What do you need to know about free software?

Linux is an excellent environment for machine learning development with Python.

The tools can be installed quickly and easily and you can develop and run large models directly.

Centossoftware development workstation iso download pc

In this tutorial, you will discover how to create and setup a Linux virtual machine for machine learning with Python.

After completing this tutorial, you will know:

  • How to download and install VirtualBox for managing virtual machines.
  • How to download and setup Fedora Linux.
  • How to install a SciPy environment for machine learning in Python 3.

This tutorial is suitable if your base operating system is Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Let’s get started.

Benefits of a Linux Virtual Machine


There are a number of reasons that you may want to use a Linux virtual machine for Python machine learning development.

For example, below is a list of 5 top benefits for using a virtual machine:

  • To use tools not available on your system (if you’re on Windows).
  • To install and use machine learning tools without impacting your local environment (e.g. use Python 3 tools).
  • To have highly customized environments for different projects (Python2 and Python3).
  • To save the state of the machine and pick up exactly where you left off (jump from machine to machine).
  • To share development environment with other developers (set-up once and reuse many times).

Perhaps the most beneficial point is the first, being able to easily use machine learning tools not supported on your environment.

I’m an OS X user, and even though machine learning tools can be installed using brew and macports, I still find it easier to setup and use Linux virtual machines for machine learning development.


This tutorial is broken down into 3 parts:

  1. Download and Install VirtualBox.
  2. Download and Install Fedora Linux in a Virtual Machine.
  3. Install Python Machine Learning Environment

1. Download and Install VirtualBox

VirtualBox is a free open source platform for creating and managing virtual machines.

Once installed, you can create all the virtual machines you like, as long as you have the ISO images or CDs to install from.

  • 1. Visit VirtualBox.org
  • 2. Click “Download VirtualBox” to access the Downloads page.
  • 3. Choose binaries for your workstation.
  • 4. Install the software for your system and follow the installation instructions.

Install VirtualBox

  • 5. Open the VirtualBox software and confirm it works.

2. Download and Install Fedora Linux

I chose Fedora Linux because I think it is a kinder and gentler Linux than some.

It is a leading edge for RedHat Linux intended for workstations and developers.

2.1 Download the Fedora ISO Image

Let’s start off by downloading the ISO for Fedora Linux. In this case, the 64-bit version of Fedora 25.

  • 1. Visit GetFedora.org.
  • 2. Click “Workstation” to access the Workstation page.
  • 3. Click “Download now” to access the Downloads page.
  • 4. Under “Other Downloads” click “64-bit 1.3GB Live image

Download Fedora

  • 5. You should now have an ISO file with the name:
    • Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-25-1.3.iso“.

We are now ready to create the VM in VirtualBox.

2.2 Create the Fedora Virtual Machine

Now, let’s create the Fedora virtual machine in VirtualBox.

  • 1. Open the VirtualBox software.
  • 2. Click “New” button.
  • 3. Select the Name and operating system.
    • name: Fedora25
    • type: Linux
    • version: Fedora (64-bit)
    • Click “Continue
  • 4. Configure the Memory Size
    • 2048
  • 5. Configure the Hard Disk
    • Create a virtual hard disk now
    • Hard disk file type
    • VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image)
    • Storage on physical hard disk
    • Dynamically allocated
    • File location and size: 10GB

We are now ready to install Fedora from the ISO image.

2.3 Install Fedora Linux

Now, let’s install Fedora Linux on the new virtual machine.

  • 1. Select the new virtual machine and click the “Start” button.
  • 2. Click Folder Icon and choose the Fedora ISO file:
    • Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-25-1.3.iso“.

Install Fedora

  • 3. Click the “Start” button.
  • 4. Select the first option “Start Fedora-Live-Workstation-Live 25” and press the Enter key.
  • 5. Hit the “Esc” key to skip the check.
  • 6. Select “Live System User“.
  • 7. Select “Install to Hard Drive“.
  • 8. Complete “Language Selection” (English)
  • 9. Complete “Installation Destination” (“ATA VBOX HARDDISK“).
    • You may need to wait one minute for the VM to create the hard disk.

Install on Virtual Hard Disk

  • 10. Click “Begin Installation“.
  • 11. Set root password.
  • 12. Create a user for yourself.
    • Note down the username and password (so that you can use it later).
    • Tick the “Make this user administrator” (so you can install software).
  • 13. Wait for the installation to complete… (5 minutes?)
  • 14. Click “Quit”, click power icon in top right; select power off.

2.4 Finalize Fedora Linux Installation

Fedora Linux has been installed; let’s finalize the installation and make it ready for use.

  • 1. In VirtualBox with the Fedora25 VM selected, under “Storage“, click on “Optical Drive“.
    • Select “Remove disk from virtual drive” to eject the ISO image.
  • 2. Click the “Start” button to start the Fedora Linux installation.
  • 3. Login as the user you created.

Fedora Login as New User

  • 4. Finalize installation
    • Choose language “English
    • Click “Next
    • Choose Keyboard “US
    • Click “Next
    • Configure Privacy
    • Click “Next
    • Connect Your Online Accounts
    • Click “Skip
    • Click “Start using Fedora
  • 5. Close the help system that starts automatically.

We now have a Fedora Linux virtual machine ready to install new software.

3. Install Python Machine Learning Environment

Fedora uses Gnome 3 as the window manager.

Gnome 3 is quite different to prior versions of Gnome; you can learn how to get around by using the built-in help system.

3.1 Install Python Environment

Let’s start off by installing the required Python libraries for machine learning development.

  • 1. Open the terminal.
    • Click “Activities
    • Type “terminal
    • Click icon or press enter
  • 2. Confirm Python3 was installed.


Python3 Version

  • 3. Install the Python machine learning environment. Specifically:
    • NumPy
    • SciPy
    • Pandas
    • Matplotlib
    • Statsmodels
    • Scikit-Learn

DNF is the software installation system, formally yum. The first time you run dnf, it will update the database of packages, this might take a minute.
